A Crash Course on Telling Stories that Move People to Buy

People don't buy based off of facts but how you make them feel-- that's the power of a great story. Stories are so much more powerful than a string of facts as to why he/she should buy from you.

It’s an emotional decision and not a rational decision -- we rationalize our decision after we make it.
They communicate the values and benefits of something.
And if you’re an entrepreneur… your sole objective is to articulate the benefits and values of what you do. When you tell a story to your audience, you’re relating to them by sharing a feeling they’re currently in and you’re offering them an outcome they’re also hoping for.

They don’t have to have the exact same experience as your story but the goal is to achieve that same feeling. And it will connect because this story … whatever it is… means something to you.

So what stories work and how do you convey them?
This course breaks it all down.

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Abbey Gibb

Abbey Gibb


Emmy-winning TV journalist who’s worked on every major network around the country, turned Media Training Extraordinaire and she's here to help YOU become the industry standard for success.